Words, sword, drows ....

I love hanging out at places like world wide words, and getting it to retrieve a random word. It's fun reading about their etymology. But then I've always been a bit like that. Here's one, the tabloid - you thought it meant something like a smallish newspaper format. But in fact the word was registered by Wellcome - a drug company, no less, to mean a smallish tablet. Now tell me that you knew that already!!

Anyway it came up at work the other day that nobody knew why f*** is such a rude word. Where did it come from? Is it Olde-English, Middle-English, or some other animal? So some judicious searching of tha Intarweb yielded this gem of a h2g2 entry ... informing us just *where* all those swear words come from.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey , Butercup. I managed to get my pic blogged, but I forgot what you said you did after that...Go look and help, please....

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