I told you I was interested in words...

So yesterday I made myself a bloglines account and subscribed to BoingBoing (as one person puts it, to restore faith in the bizarrity of the internet) .. and today followed some links (oh, the clever intarweb) to " I shit my pants chiasmus". It's quite funny, here is the MP3 which is funny in its own right, but funnier still is the rest of the construction around the MP3.

Now for the uneducated among us, a chiasmus is a literary device which is used all over the place - yes, I only learnt it today, I never claimed to be educated!! Anyway a chiasmus is usually demonstrated by reversal of letters or words such as " a magician pulls rabbits out of hats; a psychologist pulls habits out of rats".

I like the chiasmus idea. I'm probably not going to be able to use it in a sentence, but it's one of those words that's bound to come up sometime.

And yes, for those who care, my nerd light is flashing. Brightly.

Edit 11am: My mate Steve just sent me a link to David Lee Roth's quotes page. And no kidding, about 1/2 way down is this eminent example of chiasmus:

"I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut."

If DLR can do it so can I. I hereby resolve to demonstrate chiasmus today, but not use it in a sentence ;)


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