
So, I'm trying to study, read my notes, whatever. There's a question which seems to be based on the old edition of the textbook. So the notes say that we should find additional info about the old edition on the student community bulletin board.

Except it's OFFLINE today.


Back to surfing the web for nothing much at all. Heading over to GoogleGroups for some quality time wasting <click> ...

p.s. If you follow the above link and it works, let me know. hehe.

Update 26/04/2005 - yes, I know, it's working today ..... the server must have had the public holiday as well.


  1. Hiren Joshi said...
    Works for me!
    butercup said...
    yeah, of course it works *today* ... seems like the server has public holidays off work too. *grrr*
    Anonymous said...
    i didn't try it, i've just been wondering where you've been...subbu is as well......you're missed in groups you know....oh! the new link????


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