I got my 1000th hit today !!

Yeah I know what you're all thinking, that I made 998 of those and the other 2 were from my significant other.

But NO!!

I'm going to estimate (on a completely unfounded basis) that I made only 450 of those hits and the rest were from Michael (who is not my significant other) hitting the reload button 550 times.

Other famous 1000th hits ... can be found by searching google. Man some people write bunkum when they hit 1000. Not that I think I'm an exception.

Today's syllogism:
1. Tom Cruise is a nutjob.
2. Michael said, "Katie Holmes would never go out with a nutjob". (Of course he was trying to prove that point 1 is false)
3. Therefore Katie Holmes is not going out with Tom Cruise.



  1. Anonymous said...
    I made a significant number of those hits of course ... but when my real job starts I won't have time for such nonsense

    :) hardly ... I check it home as well
    butercup said...
    hehehe - it's good to know that it's not just me hitting the refresh button ;)

    You should start a blog and I'll return the favour!!
    Hiren Joshi said...
    Happy 1000th Hit! (wheee I have Internet again!)

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