Texas considers ban on sexy cheerleaders

Well, I guess they distract from the sport ??

But seriously folks, if it wasn't for the cheerleaders who would go to the sporting events? And the cheerleader thing is such a powerful inspiration for movies - like Bring It On - or Buffy episodes ... and other such wholesome fun.

I was a cheerleader once. In primary school. For about a year. Our school houses were named after the planets, and our favourite cheer was
" Mars, Mars in the bin,
Saturn, Saturn further in,
Venus, Venus on the top,
Jupiter, Jupiter, squash the lot!"

(I was in Jupiter, duh. It was yellow.)

What a pinnacle of literary achievement.


  1. Anonymous said...
    brings a whole new meaning to "men are from mars etc etc"
    Anonymous said...
    I think the funniest thing about that cheerleader article is the Democrat quoted in the article, Mr Van Arsdale. I'm sure he's got plenty to say on vulgarity...

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