I was never any good at P.E. at school ...
Published by butercup on Friday, May 06, 2005 at 11:35 amIn primary school I was one of those kids who was picked second-last for any team sport, I sucked at pretty much any sport involving balls - I mean like football, soccerball, baseball, softball, basketball, netball - you name it, I sucked.
If only they'd had cup stacking at my school. I mighta stood a chance !!!
Of course since then I learnt how to fence and hey - whaddya know, fencing sucks!! No really, it can be slow to watch, probably is boring for the parents hanging round the sides who have to take you home after, makes you incredibly sweaty and you end up with rust *all* over the place... but the only balls are the ones you poke ;)
And of course fencing is featured strongly in the best movie of all time ... The Princess Bride. A cult movie amongst fencers.
And hey, if that weren't enough PB links .. here's an excellent one. PB Chicken jokes. What more could you want!!